New Blog!

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It’s amazing that I don’t have a blog yet, with all of the writing I do, comments everywhere, opinions-a-plenty, pontifications, advice, and useless trivia. So, here we are.

I don’t plan to blog much here, just whenever the desire strikes. C’mon back and see what happens. I’ll try to keep it insightful (inciteful even), informative, or just entertaining – and never a waste of time.

Comments and questions are always welcome. Spammers and other n’er-do-wells will be shot, hung, burned at the stake, and laughed at for taking up space in the universe. (Order of operations changes with mood.)


This will be mostly personal observations, ideas, rants about craziness in the world, some tech tips, and links-a-plenty.


I’m gonna setup a lot of polls and quizzes. Let’s see what happens there. Other than that I don’t have anything planned except for writing.

Let the fun begin!


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